Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's Official!

As if it wasn't already, but Jamie hand delivered our "letter of intent" to homeschool for 2010-2011 this morning. I was typing it up last night and it just felt so real all of a sudden. I have only been at this for a few months and this will be my first full official year with all the children. I can't wait to dive into the curriculum that has been on the shelf taunting me for months now. I bought supplies this weekend and I have a feeling I bought way too much! I have big plans for our homeschool room when we move and I have so many idea swarming through my head, I doubt I'll even have time for them all. The homeschool group should kick off here in a few weeks and God willing, we'll make some connections and friendships within that group. Our official start date is Monday. I began the planning process this past weekend and the kids are geared up and excited too.

I had a good friend tell me when I first began that God will take the knowledge that I pour into them and multiply it in a way that nobody can explain. I'm kind of excited about relearning some of the history and science that I have long forgotten myself. Satan is already trying to whisper in my ear that I'm going to screw up my kids somehow. I also know that I'm in a huge minority around here that I didn't feel in Owensboro. Homeschooling is so misunderstood and has such preconceived opinions connected to it, which I admit I used to have myself to some extent. I know that those words and thoughts are not from God, because he called us to do this and I know that my children will benefit from this in more ways that academics. Why is Satan always trying to convince us things from GOD are not worth our time or we aren't good enough? He won't win this one! Not in my house!

God has special plans for our family on the horizon. Some days I have to tell myself that more than once though. It has been a trial, but I'm loving the "busyness" of the past couple of weeks. August is upon us, which means there is good news in the Hughes house on the horizon.

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