Sunday, August 1, 2010

Micah as "Charlie"

I sat on the second row last night with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I watched Micah perform on stage. I'm really not sure what it is about being a mother that turns you into a blubbering idiot, but it does. He just beams with excitement when he is on stage and has so much God given talent that I just can't help, but bubble over on the inside. He did such a good job and it was a very cute show. It was his first big lead part and we were so proud. I know he didn't get his stage presence from me.

He did bobble on one line at the very end and he beat himself up over it for over 30 minutes last night. He cried and cried and cried about that one bobble. It was like he didn't care about all the other parts he did right, but that one negative thing took over his emotions. I hated seeing him like that. I'm sorry to say that he DID get that part of his personality from me. Maybe we can 'fix' that in time! Poor guy!

Jamie is at his second performance right now and I'm going again Tuesday evening. So, I've sat here nervous for an hour just praying that he doesn't "bobble" and he won't have a reason to beat himself up! Bless his heart!

On another note, August is here and we are excited about August for a couple of reasons. First of all, we are starting school tomorrow. Secondly, we should be in our house by the end of the month at least. I'm hoping that we get a call at at moment telling us that our closing has been pushed up. It is in the lawyers hands for the title us all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He did an outstanding job! I was very proud to be the aunt of the star of the show.