Friday, January 7, 2011

Lost Teeth and Nibble

Yesterday, we put Nibble in his little ball to explore. This was his second time in the ball. He is actually pretty good at navigating that thing. The kids took turns holding him in the ball, which may be the only way they'll ever get to hold him anyways. He is very fast!! Sometimes we put him in the bathtub and they put their hands in there for him to run over and they can pet him though. They are enjoying their new little pet.

Another event from last evening was that Hannah finally lost that tooth she has been wiggling. She lost one a couple of weeks ago on the bottom, but there is nothing cuter than when they lose their two top front teeth. Somehow, they go from looking so young to a lot older when those permanent teeth grow in. She teethed very late. She celebrated her 1st birthday toothless! And, she is also losing them later it seems. Or ,at least, in comparison to my other 2.

She was very excited and looks very cute!
I'm very tired today as our neighbors must have decided that building something in the carport was very important until 2am. Of course, that is right outside our bedroom window (and the girls')! I heard power saws, hammers, etc. I can understand if there was an emergency or something and I'm hoping that it won't happen tonight. Of course, just as they got quiet, their dogs decided it was a good time to bark. Can I have some caffeine now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kit would like you to bring Nibbles over for a play date.