Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Subbing, Masquerade, and an Accomplishment

I was asked by a friend at church to sub in the Preschool class for 2 Wednesday nights. I said 'yes' immediately, but I was thinking to myself "great!" Preschool is just not my calling. I love little kids to pieces. Don't get me wrong at all. It is just that I like bigger kids in a classroom setting. I taught Kindergarten prior to having children and even that is different, because you can set rules and have consequences to them. What are you really going to do in a church class for an hour?

So, I decided to teach the Parable of the lost sheep. We talked about how Jesus is a Shepard, made Sheep masks, then took turn hiding a little stuffed "Sheepy" and finding him like the Shepard. I thought all was going well until the last 5 minutes. The speaker downstairs (ummm....my husband) didn't let out on time, so they were "done" by 7:30 and were proceeding to go bonkers. I was trying to maintain some kind of order until Parents picked their kids up. 2 little boys were kicking at one another (just playing) and I told them to sit down until they were picked up. One little boy did after some reluctance and the other stuck his tongue out, told me "no" with his arms cross, and crawled underneath the table. When I tried to retrieve him, he proceeded to spit on me. I was appalled! All I can say is that I appreciate my OWN children more and more every day!! Wish me luck for this Wednesday! Help us all! Give me bigger kids or teens any day of the week.

Our sermon series this month is Masquerade and how we all wear "masks" when we are around other people at times. I think between me making the sheep masks and the sermon series, it spawned a bunch of little masks being made around the house. They are very cute, but now we have about a billion of them laying around. I knew buying that pack of 600 paper plates was a mistake:-)

And, I must have a mommy brag time. I bought a USA puzzle at the Dollar Tree yesterday. We are going to do some US history next year, so I thought I'd add it to our homeschool shelf. Little did I realize that Chloe would take such an interest. It was a 60 piece puzzle, so more than she has ever done before (24 I think), but she sat here and put the entire thing together all by herself. She would protest when the other kids came over the "help" She wanted to do it all by herself and have that accomplishment. I thought it was quite impressive for her age!

On another note, just 3 more days until our weekend get-away. I can't wait!

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