Monday, October 24, 2011

A-Maize-ing Farms

Here is what it looks like. It did make me wonder how they cut the corn to make it look so perfect. Someone very talented!
Jamie was our fearless leader...scary huh?
On the Hayride:


First of all, I cannot even tell you how much the spelling of that place bugs me. What is worse is that in some places it is written "Amaizeing Farms" (without the dashes) and that goes against all English and logic. You know, the saying, "drop the E before adding ING?" What happened to that? Ok, I do understand the play on words. We get it. A corn maze with the word "maize" in it is cute and clever, but I can't hardly stand to type it out!

Thanks to Aunt Deda we got free tickets to go. It was beautiful weather, Jamie had no studying to do (a rare treat around here), and so we decided to go check it out. They had bounce houses, a hayride, plenty of room to run and play, and of course the corn maze. I guess I have never been to a real corn maze of this magnitude. It was kind of crazy. They had a "clue" type game to play, which we started out doing, but the kids quickly lost interest. About 5 minutes into it, Chloe was saying, "when are we getting out of here?" I think she didn't really understand the point of it all. Why would you go intentionally get lost? We even made a circle at one point and ended up back where we started. LOL! It made for some funny memories though.

I think the kids enjoyed the bounce houses the most (that isn't a big surprise though). It was nice just to spend time with family though and relax a bit.

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