Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Falling Apart

Last month I went to the doctor for my annual check up/blood work-up. She had me come in today to discuss the results. Well, let's just say that I feel like I may be falling apart! She started out telling me that I have hypothyroidism (like my Mother) and while I was trying to digest this and ask questions, she looked back down at the paper and said, "I'm not done yet" and I was like, "oh?" and she proceeded to tell me that my B12 levels were severely low and so was my Vitamin D. She said my body may not process B12, but after looking at the list of foods that are good in B12, there are probably other reasons as well, because I'm just not a big meat eater. So, I had to start shots today. I will go once a week for 5 weeks, then every other week, then another blood draw in 3 months to see where we are at. Sounds fun huh?

She said that some people have low Vitamin D coming out of winter, but for whatever reason I have a low level coming out of summer. I sit outside with my children while they play, take walks, sit at soccer games, etc and have a low Vitamin D level? So, I have to take a prescription for this.

She put me on some Amino Acids a few weeks ago, I will take 2 thyroid pills, a Vitamin D and a B12 shot weekly (for now). What the heck! I guess I better get me a pill box to match Jamie's, because mine will be stuffed full with 6 different pills (some I take twice a day!)!

It is hard getting old I suppose, but it is worth being healthy to be around for my husband, kids, and future grandchildren!

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