There was a photographer at the soccer game the other day. We just checked the website and Abbi is in a ton of pictures. So, if you want to see Abbi in action, here is the link:
Abbi's soccer game
Click on "Find your Event"
then "Crew vs Charge"
Pay particular attention to the bottom of page 7. That is when she scored the goal, so she is very proud of herself as you can see.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Abbi scored her first soccer goal! Her team won 5 to 4. It was a really good game with them all doing very well. She got the "best offense" award today and was so proud of herself. We were a little proud too:-) Jamie overheard someone's grandmother bragging about her too, which always makes you beam a little bit more on the inside. I mean, how can you even help it?
It was also team picture day, so I took a quick snapshot of the whole team while they were all together. It was minus the head coach and her daughter though, because they apparently had some viruses in their home. That was too bad too, because Coach Katie would have been doing jumping jacks on the sidelines today I believe.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A Refreshing Weekend!
It has been a few weeks since I could say that. Seems like Jamie has been so busy with youth activities and now that school is in, we don't have our "Monday Weekend" with everybody around. I try to be patient, but I'm human. What can I say? I guess the feeling of not knowing the inside jokes and being 'left out' doesn't feel good even when you are way past being a kid yourself. Not that it is anybody's fault. My first obligation and ministry is to my kids and I'm certain of that and I'm very thankful for Jamie's job. It is just good to have him around, and I miss my family back in Murray sometimes. I left all my best girlfriends back there!
So, this weekend was much needed and we were blessed with gorgeous perfect weather! We had Abbi's soccer game in the morning, then headed home for lunch. We rode our bikes on the Greenbelt to the DQ and grabbed us a dipped cone. We rode from the DQ to the park and let the kids play, then back home to relax in the porch swing and let the kids play some more. It was very nice and relaxing! A much needed break to refresh us all.
Today, Jamie is working through the afternoon at church. They are setting our new sanctuary up! So, this was our last Sunday morning service in the "gymuary" and next Sunday we will be sitting in our new beautiful sanctuary. You can already feel the excitement in the air, so I can't wait to go next week! Our church has been very blessed! It has been exciting to be a part of all this moving process. God brought us around just in the nick of time.
School has been going very well for the kids. So far so good. Abbi did have a stomach bug on Wednesday, but nobody else got it, thank goodness. I guess we can throw that goal for perfect attendance out the window since she missed a day in the 1st full week. Oh well! But, otherwise, Micah's homework load has been MUCH better (so far anyways) and he really is enjoying the 4th grade more. He has even gotten recess every day so far, which is a huge improvement from last year. The girls are adjusting well and I'm trying to adjust all the morning/homework/afterschool craziness again. We'll get there. We are also having to leave the house earlier than last year, because apparently everybody on HWY 54 has lost their ever loving mind, but Jamie is the one that has to deal with that. LOL!
The Bridges Bunch went to NC and picked up Jordyn yesterday too. I'm anxious and excited to hear all about that!
So, this weekend was much needed and we were blessed with gorgeous perfect weather! We had Abbi's soccer game in the morning, then headed home for lunch. We rode our bikes on the Greenbelt to the DQ and grabbed us a dipped cone. We rode from the DQ to the park and let the kids play, then back home to relax in the porch swing and let the kids play some more. It was very nice and relaxing! A much needed break to refresh us all.
Today, Jamie is working through the afternoon at church. They are setting our new sanctuary up! So, this was our last Sunday morning service in the "gymuary" and next Sunday we will be sitting in our new beautiful sanctuary. You can already feel the excitement in the air, so I can't wait to go next week! Our church has been very blessed! It has been exciting to be a part of all this moving process. God brought us around just in the nick of time.
School has been going very well for the kids. So far so good. Abbi did have a stomach bug on Wednesday, but nobody else got it, thank goodness. I guess we can throw that goal for perfect attendance out the window since she missed a day in the 1st full week. Oh well! But, otherwise, Micah's homework load has been MUCH better (so far anyways) and he really is enjoying the 4th grade more. He has even gotten recess every day so far, which is a huge improvement from last year. The girls are adjusting well and I'm trying to adjust all the morning/homework/afterschool craziness again. We'll get there. We are also having to leave the house earlier than last year, because apparently everybody on HWY 54 has lost their ever loving mind, but Jamie is the one that has to deal with that. LOL!
The Bridges Bunch went to NC and picked up Jordyn yesterday too. I'm anxious and excited to hear all about that!
Monday, August 17, 2009
First Soccer Game

They put her in first and she was a bit shy about it the first couple of minutes. Jamie and I were glancing at each other and thinking the same thing. We figured that she would be hesitant about playing then later she'd cry about not playing. She has done things like that before.
Well, after she got warmed up, she said she ignored the people watching, and she really got in there. I couldn't believe it! She got the "best defense" award and she deserved it! She is so fast. She would run up ahead of the other team if they had control of the ball and kick it the other way before they even knew what had happened. She even got close to scoring a goal, but someone kicked it out of bounds before she had a chance. Her team got 2 goals and the other team got 1 BTW.
I was so proud of her. I could not believe the natural talent that she seemed to have. She really had a great time and was proud of herself too. She has great potential in this sport and it will be exciting to watch her grow over time. The Upward program gives glory to God and strongly enforces Christ's Love. Her coach is very encouraging and bragged and bragged on each of them. She is anxious to get back out there next week!
She will play every Saturday until the end of September. Times vary a little bit, but most of her games are at 10 or 11am (I think she has one 9am game).
Here she is getting ready to kick the ball off:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
First Day of School 2009-2010

So, today begins a new chapter again. I now have a child in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th grades. Abbi and Hannah were both a little excited and a little nervous this morning. Micah wasn't nervous, but wasn't excited either.
Hannah told me the other day that she was glad that she was a 'grader' this year, because pre-school and kindergarten was for little kids. Of course, I nodded along and agreed, and was secretly laughing in my head. She thinks she is so big now going into the 1st "grade". She can hardly wait to get real homework this year. What is wrong with her?
Abbi thinks that she will have to do more homework this year. I'm afraid that she might be right. Micah's 2nd grade load wasn't too bad, but that was before we were at a "Blue Ribbon School" too. No matter what, I'm sure she will do great and make a ton of friends. She is my social butterfly in the family. Her best friend that lives up the road ended up in a different room this year, much to her disappointment.
Micah was dreading the 4th grade. He knows that 3rd grade was pretty busy and is afraid that 4th will be even worse. I tried to tell him not to assume that. He won't know until he dives in. He is a smart cookie and can do it no matter what. Just to be honest, I dread the 4th grade too, but maybe it won't be as bad as I anticipate. I just really want my kids to be kids while they can.
There was quite a difference in attitude from Miss Chloe this morning from last year. She knew what was going on and walked with us to drop them off and was totally fine with it. She was all smiles and is looking forward to some mommy time, I guess. She told us that she probably wouldn't scream as much with them in school. You think? All the screaming around here is over toys and petty stuff. With no siblings around, I'm sure she won't scream as much. LOL!

And, something is Chloe's attitude about school last year. HA!

So, I'm praying for a good year for everybody and that they will learn a lot, make a lot of friends, and show them Christ through their actions and behavior.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Do I dare even declare it?
For fear of jinxing myself? Chloe is officially "potty trained" now! Woohoo! Stubborn little thing! She finally made up her little mind that she was going to do it though. She is doing fantastic and has been for about a week now. I can hardly believe that after almost 10 years of changing a little one, that chapter is closed. That is one thing that I certainly will not miss!
It was funny though, because she finally moved to the "potty trained" room for Sunday school. She was all proud of herself and will also start Children's choir and Cubbies in the coming week. AWANA starts next weekend, and there were not classes for the kids last night. No big deal. The kids brought some books and things and were going to sit with me in youth. Well, I took Chloe to the Nursery and she had the upset down face and was starting to cry. On Sunday nights, when there are no classes, the 2 and 3 year olds combine. Well, they meet in the 2 year old room. I think she felt like she was being demoted or something since she went to the "big girl" class that morning. So, I just took her with me to youth. Some things are just not worth the battle, and I didn't want her to feel like she was in the "baby" class anymore. It ended up being funny though. What a long way she has come in a week!!!!
We have realized though (as if we didn't already know) how head-strong Chloe is. God love her, I think she will give us many grey hairs when she is a teenager! Once she makes up her mind about something, there is no going back or changing her mind. Hmmmm....wonder where she got that from? LOL! OK, so maybe she will be a decent teenager. I really attribute my head-strongness (is that a word?) to me not being a target for peer pressure. So, we'll see how all that turns out. I don't think that being a little bit of a hard head is such a bad thing sometimes in this world.
It was funny though, because she finally moved to the "potty trained" room for Sunday school. She was all proud of herself and will also start Children's choir and Cubbies in the coming week. AWANA starts next weekend, and there were not classes for the kids last night. No big deal. The kids brought some books and things and were going to sit with me in youth. Well, I took Chloe to the Nursery and she had the upset down face and was starting to cry. On Sunday nights, when there are no classes, the 2 and 3 year olds combine. Well, they meet in the 2 year old room. I think she felt like she was being demoted or something since she went to the "big girl" class that morning. So, I just took her with me to youth. Some things are just not worth the battle, and I didn't want her to feel like she was in the "baby" class anymore. It ended up being funny though. What a long way she has come in a week!!!!
We have realized though (as if we didn't already know) how head-strong Chloe is. God love her, I think she will give us many grey hairs when she is a teenager! Once she makes up her mind about something, there is no going back or changing her mind. Hmmmm....wonder where she got that from? LOL! OK, so maybe she will be a decent teenager. I really attribute my head-strongness (is that a word?) to me not being a target for peer pressure. So, we'll see how all that turns out. I don't think that being a little bit of a hard head is such a bad thing sometimes in this world.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Very Exciting Places
I have 3 nieces who mean the world to me! Today they are each in very exciting places in their lives. At this moment, they are each making some memories that will last forever in their mind's eye. What a neat time in their lives!
Shania is my "baby" niece who, at 13 years old, is already a few inches taller than I am. Today is Shania's her very first day of high school. I know that she is probably excited and nervous all at the same time. I thought about her a lot last night wondering if she was even going to sleep. High school is a big deal in the life of a teenager and one of those milestones that she'll be telling her kids about. When did she become such a lady?
Jordyn is my middle niece. She is 16 and learning to drive, which is scary experience for all involved. HA! For the past few weeks, she has been at a sports camp in North Carolina. She still has a few weeks to go before she gets back home. I've seen several pictures of her and the scenery is beautiful and she is getting to do some things that are exciting and she may never get to do again. What an amazing opportunity for a young lady. And, no matter what she thinks right now (I'm sure it is mixed emotions some days), when she is older, she'll look back and think about this summer with a smile on her face. I can almost guarantee that! She will never forget this opportunity.

Denisha, my oldest niece, surrendered to the mission field a few years ago. She is also getting ready to celebrate her 1st anniversary with her wonderful husband next weekend. But right now, she is sitting in Arizona on a Native American reservation for the 2nd time in her life. She called me last night, and was filling me in with some of the adventures of the past 2 days. I know that she is impacting the lives of the people there for the Lord. I also know that she will come home changed each time she goes and they will impact her just as much.
I'm a very proud aunt!
Shania is my "baby" niece who, at 13 years old, is already a few inches taller than I am. Today is Shania's her very first day of high school. I know that she is probably excited and nervous all at the same time. I thought about her a lot last night wondering if she was even going to sleep. High school is a big deal in the life of a teenager and one of those milestones that she'll be telling her kids about. When did she become such a lady?

Denisha, my oldest niece, surrendered to the mission field a few years ago. She is also getting ready to celebrate her 1st anniversary with her wonderful husband next weekend. But right now, she is sitting in Arizona on a Native American reservation for the 2nd time in her life. She called me last night, and was filling me in with some of the adventures of the past 2 days. I know that she is impacting the lives of the people there for the Lord. I also know that she will come home changed each time she goes and they will impact her just as much.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
1st Soccer Practice

Notice those cute little shoes and socks!

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Back to School Shopping
We decided to venture out today to do the shoes and school supplies for "back to school". Man, I cannot believe that it is time for this already. Where in the world did the summer go? Oh wait....I know.....VBS, Annie Jr, Jamie's vacation, Jonathon Creek camp, and Kids Camp! It has flown by! We lost 2 weeks due to make-up days, but I still think it would have flown by as busy as we have been. It has been a good one though. Micah said tonight that he wishes he could rewind the summer and do it all over again. At least, he had fun and made some good memories. I think we all did.
So, we did the whole shoe shopping thing. I always get them 2 pair: 1 pair of tennis shoes and then another pair that they can wear anytime. So, we went to 3 different stores and finally got everybody what they needed for that. Plus, we got some soccer shoes since that is getting ready to start for Abbi. Do I even need to mention what color stripes are on them? Pink, of course! They are so cute!
Then we did the whole Wal-Mart back to school supplies and backpack adventure. I think we spent 2 hours there trying to decipher what we needed. We came out a little cheaper than last year when we just purchased the supplies in the bundles at the school. It wasn't much though and I'm not sure it is worth the hassle. Especially when I still don't know what in the world 1 item is, so it was omitted from my list until I can find out for certain what in the world it is. Why do the lists have to be so obscure and confusing? It is like a terrible Easter Egg hunt that is not fun in the least. Oh well...lesson learned on that one.
We now just have to get a new 1st day outfit and socks and things of that nature. So, I guess we can go out Monday and try to tackle that.
All in all, it was a pretty successful day though and the kids are very excited to start to school now. Something about the start of school is always a reminder of the few times we get fresh starts in life. So nice and refreshing! But, I'm really dreading it at the same time! Getting up earlier again, trying to scoot everybody out the door on time, homework, and more homework (did I mention homework?).
So, we did the whole shoe shopping thing. I always get them 2 pair: 1 pair of tennis shoes and then another pair that they can wear anytime. So, we went to 3 different stores and finally got everybody what they needed for that. Plus, we got some soccer shoes since that is getting ready to start for Abbi. Do I even need to mention what color stripes are on them? Pink, of course! They are so cute!
Then we did the whole Wal-Mart back to school supplies and backpack adventure. I think we spent 2 hours there trying to decipher what we needed. We came out a little cheaper than last year when we just purchased the supplies in the bundles at the school. It wasn't much though and I'm not sure it is worth the hassle. Especially when I still don't know what in the world 1 item is, so it was omitted from my list until I can find out for certain what in the world it is. Why do the lists have to be so obscure and confusing? It is like a terrible Easter Egg hunt that is not fun in the least. Oh well...lesson learned on that one.
We now just have to get a new 1st day outfit and socks and things of that nature. So, I guess we can go out Monday and try to tackle that.
All in all, it was a pretty successful day though and the kids are very excited to start to school now. Something about the start of school is always a reminder of the few times we get fresh starts in life. So nice and refreshing! But, I'm really dreading it at the same time! Getting up earlier again, trying to scoot everybody out the door on time, homework, and more homework (did I mention homework?).
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